Spiritually Empowered Bundle
Spiritually Empowered Bundle
The Spiritually Empowered Bundle includes one each of the following stones:
Black Tourmaline (black) should be a go-to stone for anyone who considers themselves an empath or who absorbs other people's energy. While it isn't flashy, Black Tourmaline is HIGHLY protective. This stone is about purification and grounding your energy back into your body and the earth.
Labradorite (grey stone with blue or golden flash) - This stone is straight-up magic. Its calming influence will allow your innate strengths to rise, especially around your intuition and connection to the divine being of your choice.
Amethyst (purple) - Amethyst has a strong protective quality. It's included here to ensure that any energies you encounter are for your highest good and to protect you while you are in an open, receiving state.
Quartz (clear) - Quartz is a nearly universal stone, occurring and revered in most world cultures, from Japan to Europe to the Americas. It is a highly versatile master amplifier, working to bolster any other stones it's paired with, as well as any intentions you set while holding it.
Rainbow Moonstone (white): This joyful stone fosters a sense of peace, shining gentle light into the dark spaces of your life. Rainbow Moonstone celebrates your unique spark, reveling in the masterpiece that is you.
Details: This listing is for a bundle of five stones, one each of the varieties listed above. All pieces are energetically cleansed and recharged under a full moon, as well as infused with Reiki just for you during packaging, so it arrives fresh and ready to serve your highest good. Feel free, though, to set your own affirmation after you receive your piece(s).
Included with your purchase is a card with a condensed version of the information above and the affirmation for future reference and easy gifting.
Please note these stones are made by Mother Nature herself, so actual colors and inclusions will vary. Photos are representative, not of the actual stones you will receive.
This information does not intend to serve as medical advice and should not be relied upon in your health-related decision making. Any information is solely meant to assist in expanding your knowledge of prevailing metaphysical beliefs.