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Freya's Haven

Black Tourmaline Mini Skull

Black Tourmaline Mini Skull

Regular price $18.00 USD
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All it took was a bit of research for me to feel completely different about crystals carved in the shape of skulls. While previously I felt that skulls were macabre and morbid, they are actually a symbol of connecting with ancient and ancestral wisdom.

It is, of course, no surprise to me that I began to notice skulls right as I do my own ancestral work and learn about the Akashic Records. Because the Universe likes to poke me every once in a while - EVEN WHEN I'm listening. LOL Spirit is bossy like that. 

All that being said, you can use these stones as a vehicle to connect to your own ancestral gifts and wisdom and to bring more of the intention and divine gifts of the stone you choose into your life.

Black Tourmaline should be a go-to stone for anyone who considers themselves an empath or who absorbs other people's energy.

While it isn't flashy, Black Tourmaline is HIGHLY protective. This stone is about purification and grounding your energy back into your body and the earth. 

Affirmation: My energy is clear of negative influences and protected. I am grounded and supported by the Earth.

Details: This listing is for *ONE* crystal/stone and will be intuitively selected for you in the size of your choosing. Each Skull is approximately measures 1.0" - 0.75".

All pieces are energetically cleansed and recharged under a full moon, as well as infused with Reiki energy and the affirmation given above during packaging, so it arrives fresh and ready to work for you. Feel free to set your own affirmation after you receive your piece.   

Please note the main materials used are made by Mother Nature herself, so actual colors and inclusions will vary. Photos are representative, but may not be of the actual item you will receive.

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This information does not intend to serve as medical advice and should not be relied upon in your health-related decision making. Any information is solely meant to assist in expanding your knowledge of prevailing metaphysical beliefs.