Affirmations to use with your purchase
Welcome to Freya's Haven!
Here you will find a listing of all the bracelets available along with an affirmation I've written for each one. Scan through the list to find the bracelet you've purchased or look through to see if an affirmation catches your eye to guide your next choice.
Amazonite | I am aligned with my highest truth. I am able to communicate and hold my personal boundaries with clarity and compassion. |
Amethyst | Through my connections to the Divine and my own inner spirit, I am uplifted and my energy is protected. |
Apatite | I have a clear mind and positive outlook which allows inspiration and creativity to work through me to solve the problems I'm facing. |
Apophyllite & Stilbite | Through my connection with nature, I can know and love myself fully. |
Aventurine | I have everything I need to courageously move forward in my life. |
Blue Lace Agate | I am a confident, effective communicator. I am safe to communicate my truth, my ideas, and my wildest dreams with others and with the Universe. |
Carnelian | I am confident and energized, making me more than capable of doing whatever needs to be done today. |
Celestite | I am open and listen to even the smallest whispers of Divine guidance. |
Chevron Amethyst | My energy is clear and strong. I am at peace. |
Chrysocolla | I am able to share my knowledge and wisdom with others, knowing it will be well-received. |
Citrine | I work in partnership with creativity and, always staying aligned with my highest good, I draw infinite streams of abundance into my life. |
Dalmatian Jasper | I am comforted and supported. All my needs are met. |
Emerald | extend the same love and compassion to myself as I do to others. I welcome and accept the love, compassion, and blessings that come my way. |
Flower agate | I am manifesting the highest version of myself and all my wildest dreams by taking Divinely-guided action. |
Fluorite, Rainbow | My mind and spirit are clear of any negative emotions or attachments, leaving me grounded and focused on moving forward in alignment with goals that serve my highest good. |
Hematite | I am balanced. My mind and energy can safely roam, knowing my body is calmly and firmly tethered to the Earth. |
Honey calcite | I am confidently able to complete the tasks before me, finishing them with energy to spare. |
Howlite | Peace is always available within me. |
Labradorite | Through my connections to the Divine and my own inner spirit, I am uplifted and my energy is protected. |
Lapis Lazuli | I am open to the truth within me and can communicate it with confidence and ease. |
Larimar | By releasing the tension in my life, I am becoming fully empowered and able to communicate effectively. |
Lepidolite | I am able to rest and renew my energetic field. |
Malachite |
I can confidently and creatively tackle anything that comes my way today. I am protected as I work through processing my emotions and healing, so that I may become the person I am meant to be. |
Merlinite | I embrace the journey within myself, loving, healing, and reintegrating each piece as I discover it. |
Moonstone, green | I am held and supported by the Universe while I evolve into the person I am meant to be. |
Moonstone, peach |
I appreciate all the cycles in my life, recognizing that just as winter is as important as summer, so are the difficult times as important as the joyful times. I connect with the energy of Mother Nature and feel soothed and supported no matter what my day brings. |
Moonstone, rainbow | I am a confident, effective communicator. I am safe to communicate my truth, my ideas, and my wildest dreams with others and the Universe. |
Moss Agate | I am refreshed and revitalized, ready to seize the day. |
Muscovite | I am open to exploring new ideas and appreciate all areas of my life where two opposite things can be true at once. |
Onyx | I am calm and able to steadily work on my goals with discipline, clear focus, and determination. |
Quartz, Clear | My mind is clear and my intentions for this day are Divinely supported. |
Quartz w/Gold rutile | I attract abundance and manifest my dreams with ease. |
Rhodochrosite | I am surrounded by divine love, giving me the foundation and space to release what no longer serves me and to love myself deeply. |
Rhodonite | I am confident in who I am and share my gifts freely with the world. |
Rose Quartz | I am surrounded, held, and healed by love in all its forms. |
Selenite | I release any and all energies that are not serving my Highest good. |
Shungite | I am cleansed and protected from the harmful effects of the technology in my house. |
Smoky Quartz | I am protected from negative energy as I work on the things that need to get done. |
Stillbite | I embrace the fullest expression of who I am with joy and love. |
Sunstone | I am a true servant-leader, focused on generously sharing the abundance I receive. |
Tourmalined Quartz | My energy is clear and perfectly aligned, protecting me from negative influences. |
Tourmaline, Black | My energy is clear of negative influences and protected. I am grounded and supported by the Earth. |
Tourmaline, Green | My heart is whole and my energy vibrant. |
Tourmaline, multi | I am confident, loved, and connected to Source. |
Tree Agate | My connection to Nature provides a solid foundation for me to be fully myself and manifest my dreams. |
Unakite Jasper | By taking small, daily actions, I am moving steadily toward becoming the best version of myself. |