

a large piece of purple amethyst sits in a woman's hand
Amethyst has been used by cultures dating back as far as 25,000 BC, so it is no surprise that it tends to be one of the first stones people choose for themselves. 
It is well known for opening the Crown Chakra. In doing so, it allows you to clear your mind during meditation and receive inspiration from the Universe. 
Energetically, it not only clears energy blockages throughout your body, it can also create a positive and  protective “energy shield” around you and wherever you place it in your home, workspace, or vehicle. Having a piece of amethyst nearby is a fantastic idea for everyone, but especially for teachers, therapists, and others in any sort of healing profession. Overall, it is an excellent crystal for communicating with the divine or receiving spiritual guidance while conveying information.
Keywords: protection, purification, divine connection, calming
Affirmation: Through my connections to the Divine and my own inner spirit, I am uplifted and my energy is protected. 
Amethyst is available in the shop! Click on the images below to visit them. 
Note: Some of the pieces above are part of our personal collections and not for sale. If you are interested in purchasing a larger piece of amethyst from Freya's Haven, please reach out via the Contact Us page and we will get in touch about sourcing it for you.
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