Sunstone Bracelet
Sunstone Bracelet
Sunstone is closely associated with the life-giving fire of the sun. As such, it is a stone of abundance, generosity, creativity, and innovation.
It works perfectly for those in (or seeking) leadership positions, to remind them that true leadership is not a power grab, but rather being accountable for, and to, the organization. Sunstone will help you release your fears around your worthiness and self-doubt.
Sunstone is the natural balance to Moonstone, with its outward, giving, yang, masculine energy. It also pairs beautifully with Labradorite, bringing the elements of manifestation and abundance together.
Reach for Sunstone when you need a boost of energy and the confidence to chase after your dreams of making both the world and your own life better.
This information does not intend to serve as medical advice and should not be relied upon in your health-related decision making. Any information is solely meant to assist in expanding your knowledge of prevailing metaphysical beliefs.